One way to ensure that English learners receive the instructional support necessary to thrive is by incorporating the well-structured Cue Cards: Routines for Student Interaction.
Structured routines are intentionally incorporated throughout the I Do/We Do and You Do portions of Systematic ELD lessons. They incorporate teacher modeling, peer rehearsal, and accountability. When used daily, these task-based student interactive strategies become routine. Students know what to do and can move into automatic pilot. This makes it possible to ensure that 50 percent of Systematic ELD time is dedicated to student interaction. ELD110, $29.00
Student interaction routines serve several purposes:
1) Allow teachers to organize for maximum engagement and accountability, since students are practicing newly learned language in groups or partners as opposed to responding one by one.
2) Maximize student engagement while allowing the teacher time to monitor accuracy and provide corrective feedback as needed.
3) Help students internalize newly learned language patterns, grammatical forms, and topic vocabulary through multiple opportunities to practice in engaging and supportive settings.
4) Support student use of increasingly precise and varied language for interesting purposes.
The booklet begins with instructions for teachers followed by student graphics. The student graphics can be used to remind students of the process for the specific interaction routine they should use. For example:
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