Welcome to Constructing Meaning

Being able to comprehend text and express thinking requires knowing the topic-specific vocabulary of the lesson concept(s). This requires understanding how language is used – that is, how the author uses certain phrases to express a cause and effect relationship, signal a sequence, or link one idea to another. English learners need to hone a range of versatile skills in order to talk and write about what they are reading and thinking. 

Constructing Meaning is explicit language instruction to support grade-level content learning in English. Analysis of the language demands becomes part of lesson planning so that both language and content goals are considered. It occurs throughout the day, across all subject areas. Subject-specific language is differentiated by students’ English proficiency levels so each student is equipped to think, discuss, read, and write to the lesson goals.

constructed meaning

See Constructing Meaning in action!

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Third grade students playing a game to review fractions.

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Middle school students engaging in rich math discussions.

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